Women's Therapy - Connecticut

Empowering teen girls and women to find self-acceptance within. Infertility, pregnancy, and postpartum support in Connecticut. 

birth trauma

When childbirth doesn’t go the way you planned, it’s common to feel a deep sense of loss. Your delivery experience may have been everything you hoped to avoid. Maybe you experienced medical intervention that felt frightening and unwanted. Your baby arrived early or very quickly and your entire birth plan feels like a distant memory. Or your baby experienced a NICU stay, breathing, or feeding difficulties. It’s possible you felt misunderstood or invalidated by your providers. You may have felt afraid for your life or your baby’s life during your delivery. Or experienced the devastating loss of your baby. All of these experiences bring unique pain and can be traumatic in different ways.

Even now that your birth is over, you might find yourself dealing with grief, disappointment, anger, shame, fear, and many other emotions. What I most want you to know is that there is no “right” way to define a traumatic birth. If your birth experience felt distressing to you, that matters. Your experience is uniquely yours - valid and important. And you deserve to process all of it in a safe, supportive space.

If you are struggling with your birth experience, for any reason and in any way, please reach out.

We can work through it together.

92 N Summit Street Southington, Connecticut 06489



© Copyright 2017 Sarah Pires, Psy.D., LLC

Sarah Pires, Psy.D. is a licensed clinical psychologist practicing in Connecticut. The information contained on this web/blog site is for general informational purposes only and does not create a therapist-patient relationship with Sarah Pires, Psy.D.  While the information on this site concerns mental health issues, it shall not constitute psychotherapy or medical advice for the purposes of diagnosis and/or treatment.  Viewers of this web/blog site who are in need of professional psychotherapy or medical advice should seek treatment, and in the case of a medical emergency, should call 911 or go to the nearest hospital immediately.  Please do not attempt to access treatment or emergency care through this web/blog site.